We all know what we expect from customers — or at least we think we do. We want them to give us their attention, give us a fair hearing, and be open to our recommendations and pay what they owe us. Some customers live up to this standard and some don't make the cut. Just about everyone in sales, including life insurance agents, also works at making sure customers like them, the cornerstone of a good relationship.
That's not all. Agents also expect customers to be frank and open, even though some have an agenda they keep well hidden, leaving us guessing and suspicious.
Whether accurate or not, most sales reps expect buyers to believe their representations are in the customer's best interest. All this shouldn't be surprising to anyone in sales, since this is how most reps like to think of themselves.
What Customers Expect From Sales Reps
Even so, all this is only half the story. What's missing is at least equally or more important today when it comes to success in sales. In other words, it's time to ask, "In the current state of the economy, and considering what consumers have been going through the past year of the pandemic, what do customers expect from agents?"
1. Customers want to do business with someone who understands them. Working with an agent is like dating, except for one major difference. The conversation goes from, "Hi, I'm Bob. Should we get married now, or see how things go in the next seven minutes?" If customers are going to spend time with you, they expect some indication of "instant friendship" or compatibility that tells them it's going to be OK. They're going to be comfortable. This is what people mean when they say, "That's a great agent." If this message isn't clear, they're gone.