6 Steps for Turning Cold Leads Into Long-Term Clients

Slideshow January 21, 2021 at 11:19 AM
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  Every day there are droves of qualified prospects seeking financial advice online. Where are they? Why does it feel so hard to connect with them? And why are other financial advisors having success prospecting online? Acquiring new clients online can be tough, but it's the nature of the advisory business. After all, you are selling a lifelong relationship — and that takes a tremendous amount of trust to establish. Also, it deeply affects an individual's sense of financial security. Because the stakes for your clients are greater than with an average service provider, a high degree of comfort needs to exist before a business relationship can be established. Unfortunately, this is precisely where many advisors fall short. They rush the sales process without properly nurturing leads and end up leaving good opportunities on the table. See the gallery above for important steps to building that relationship. *** Robert Sofia is co-founder of Snappy Kraken a MarTech company focused on helping financial professionals automate their marketing and business processes.