How Did You Give Back This Year? — Advisors' Advice

Slideshow December 17, 2020 at 10:23 AM
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Related: 11 Favorite Investing Books: Advisors' Advice

Advisors are a generous bunch, especially when donating money to favorite charities. But many also reach out and donate time and talent to help those in need, especially in this year that has been so dreadful to so many. We reached out to members of the XY Planning Network and Financial Planning Association asking what they've done this year to help out various charities and people in need. We received too many responses to feature here, but answers were as varied as setting up donor-advised funds and buying lunch for local medical teams. Here we feature 14 advisors whose generous spirits show how there are many new and creative ways to help our fellow man. We thank all those who sent in responses and for their good works. We wish all a very happy and safe holiday! --- Related on ThinkAdvisor: