You're a talented, knowledgeable — even successful — advisor. But your business isn't where you want it to be because you're getting in your own way.
(Related: Procrastination Isn't the Real Problem)
Which of these personal roadblocks applies to you?
1. You're a perfectionist.
You hold back from taking action until things are 100% perfect. So, you never get to achieve at the level highest level you're capable of reaching.
2. You're a people pleaser.
You're great at giving to others — even at your own expense — but you rarely accept the help you need to accomplish something bigger.
3. You're a performer.
You don't know how to switch off, so you're on all the time and it exhausts you. You want to achieve something extraordinary, but your energy is spent, so it isn't going to happen.
4. You're a feeler.
You believe that it's natural that your daily activity depends on how you feel, rather than on taking necessary required actions regardless of your emotions.
5. You're an information junkie.
You're an expert who spends a great deal of time and effort researching and studying in service of your work, but you don't act on it to really put it out in the world.