Vestwell, a digital retirement platform, surveyed 434 financial advisors and 164 plan sponsors in August to find out how they align, where they diverge and how they determine current trends in retirement.
Three out of four advisors in the survey said recordkeeping technology should be overhauled. Vestwell noted that their beliefs, versus those who believe that recordkeeping tech is fine as is, affected additional responses across the survey.
For example, 45% of those who believed a tech overhaul was necessary also said high fees were one of the biggest challenges when working with other recordkeepers, versus 28% of the status quo advisors. Similarly, 52% of the former cited poor user experience as a major challenge, versus 33% of the latter.
In general, Vestwell said, advisors who want change have higher expectations of recordkeepers. They want the recordkeeping process to be self-service so that they can spend their time in the most valuable way by educating participants.