The 2020 IA25: Joel Bruckenstein

The T3 Technology Hub publisher explains his top tech tips for working from home during the COVID-19 crisis.

Joel P. Bruckenstein, CFP, is publisher of the T3 Technology Hub and producer of the annual Technology Tools for Today (T3) Conference.

Top Advice

Make sure that when you are working from home, that you pay the same attention to security as you would when in your office, which I recently wrote about on our T3 website:

Also, share these tips with your clients who are working from home.

Biggest Challenges

Conference planning. T3 produces the T3 Advisor Conference, T3 Enterprise Conference and a number of other events each year. We have already had to reschedule our Cyber University once, and I suspect we will have to do that one virtually if we want to do it this year.

We are unclear at this time about the fate of the Enterprise conference scheduled for Oct. 21-23 in Las Vegas.

We are pushing back the 2021 T3 Advisor Conference until March 15-18, 2021, to give us a little more time to get back to normal. In the meantime, I am doing a fair amount of virtual consulting and a bit of writing.