Can You Do a Life Settlement on a Healthy Insured? Maybe

The authors say a company has bought well-priced universal life policies without looking closely at the insureds' health.

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(Related: Solving the Mystery of Term Life Settlements)

Until recently, it was almost impossible to get a life settlement offer unless the insured had some health issues which reduced the life expectancy. However, there is a fund that has developed a proprietary strategy that has made it possible to get life settlement offers on some healthy insureds that meet certain criteria.

The parameters:

How do they do it? While they haven’t shared all the details of their proprietary strategy, we know that it requires a favorably priced policy and no medical records or life expectancy evaluations. The combination of a well-priced policy and reduced acquisition costs allow them to make offers on policies that others can’t. And, because of their simplified underwriting process, offers can usually be made within a few days.

Some recent case examples:

All hope is not lost for a life settlement on a healthy client, even if they have already been rejected by traditional funders. If you have a client with a policy that is no longer wanted, needed or affordable and fits these parameters, you might be able to get them a life settlement offer. On behalf of your clients, remember, it can’t hurt to try; it can only hurt them not to.

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Robin S. Weinberger, CLU, ChFC, CLTC, is the director of national accounts for Life Insurance Settlements Inc. She has been a general agent and director of national accounts for Connecticut Mutual and vice president of marketing for Sun Life of Canada. She can be reached at or (617) 451-3343.

Peter N. Katz, JD, CLU, ChFC, RICP, is a life settlement broker and co-director of national accounts with Life Insurance Settlements Inc. He is also a consultant specializing in life insurance advanced sales illustrations, and he has served as an advanced markets attorney and in product development. He can be reached at or (860) 937-2936.