Older workers and retirees looking to shed the burden of home maintenance, or augment their
retirement savings with the proceeds from a house sale are choosing to rent. Plus, many
millennials have no choice but to rent -- they are stuck in cities with high rents and unable to save for retirement or put a dent in their student loans or accrue money for a down payment on a house. But no matter the age or circumstances, it's important to choose carefully the cities in which to rent, employment considerations aside. Some cities offer quite reasonable rental rates, while others will eat up income faster than a hungry shark.
U.S. News & World Report has done a review of locations that score well in its 2019 ranking of best places to retire with median rents of less than $800 per month. The slides above show the cities from that ranking, in no particular order, that they determined were the 10 best as far as providing affordable rents.