CFP Board Expands Campaign to Attract Young, Diverse Talent Into Financial Planning

The educational campaign includes a new spokesperson, a new day-in-the-life video and promotional toolkits for academic institutions and CFP professionals.

The CFP Board Center for Financial Planning expanded its educational campaign to attract young people to consider a career in financial planning with a new, day-in-the-life video featuring certified financial planner Matt Aaron Jr.

“I am a CFP Pro” was launched in 2017 to raise awareness of careers in financial planning among young people, specifically women and people of color.

There are currently more CFP professionals over 70 than under the 30, while only 3.5% of the 83,000 CFP professionals in the U.S. are black or Latino. In October 2018, the Center released a thought leadership paper on racial diversity in the financial planning profession, in which it pledged to expand the “I am a CFP Pro” campaign.

Aaron is the fourth CFP professional to become a spokesperson and unveil a video as part of the “I am a CFP Pro” campaign.

Aaron, who based in Washington, D.C, is the founder of Aaron Financial, a financial planning practice with Northwestern Mutual. He helped unveil his campaign video to students, faculty and leaders of financial planning education programs across the U.S. at the CFP Board’s Registered Programs Conference.

The video stories from Aaron and the other spokespeople aim to encourage individuals to pursue a career as a CFP professional.

Since the launch of “I am a CFP Pro,” schools around the country have taken advantage of the campaign by using the promotional materials and organizing campus events with campaign spokespeople to attract new students into financial planning. CFP professionals have also been engaged, sharing hundreds of stories on social media.

According to Marilyn Mohrman-Gillis, the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning executive director, the campaign successfully highlights how CFP professionals can make a difference in peoples’ lives, enjoy work-life balance and grow their careers.

“[We] are thrilled to have Matt join our exceptional cadre of campaign spokespeople to share his own journey and inspire young people to consider a career in financial planning,” Mohrman-Gillis said in a statement.

Going forward, Mohrman-Gillis said, the campaign will engage with more schools and CFP professionals.

“There is still a critical need to raise greater awareness of this profession, particularly among young women and people of color, to better position financial planners to serve our growingly diverse public,” Mohrman-Gillis said in a statement.

The campaign also includes customizable toolkits that academic institutions and current CFP professionals can use to promote financial planning careers to students and young people in their communities. The toolkits contain a variety of promotional materials that can be co-branded with the academic institution and that feature the campaign spokespeople.

Also included is a customizable presentation that CFP professionals can use to promote the profession by telling their story, and highlighting the Center’s career resources available to young people, including scholarships, mentorships, internships and the online Career Center.

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