NASAA Keeps Waiver, Exam Fees the Same for 2019

Enrollment fees for the NASAA Series 63, 65 and 66 exams will stay at last year’s levels.

The North American Securities Administrators Association announced Monday the continued waiver of Investment Adviser Registration Depository (IARD) system fees for state-registered investment advisor firms.

NASAA also announced that enrollment fees for the NASAA Series 63, 65 and 66 exams and the Electronic Filing Depository (EFD) system fee for Form D, Rule 506 will stay at last year’s levels.

Candidates enrolling for the Series 63, 65 or 66 exams on or after Jan. 1, 2019, will be charged the same fees as last year: $135, $175 and $165, respectively.

The last exam fee increase was in 2016.

NASAA’s EFD one-time system use fee for each Form D Rule 506 offering will remain at $155.

“State securities regulators strive to protect the investing public in the most effective and efficient manner possible, which is why I am pleased to announce that NASAA’s 2019 exam and enrollment fees will not increase,” said Michael Pieciak, NASAA president and Vermont commissioner of financial regulation, in a statement.

For 2019, the IARD system fees for state-registered investment advisor firms will be waived and the initial IARD setup and renewal fee will continue to be $10 for investment adviser reps, an amount reduced significantly from the $45 charged when the IARD system became operational in 2001, NASAA said.

Pieciak said NASAA’s board of directors will monitor the IARD system’s revenues and, if warranted, make future adjustments to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the system.

The IARD is a national online database sponsored by NASAA and the Securities and Exchange Commission that provides investment advisors and their reps a single source for filing state and federal registration and notice filings.

The information on IARD is also used by securities regulators as well as the public to research an advisor’s background, as it provides “instant access” to registration documents filed by SEC- or state-registered investment advisors.

— Check out SEC Does Not ‘Dictate’ Cyber Controls, Cyber Chief Says on ThinkAdvisor.