President Donald Trump said Pfizer Inc. should be "ashamed" for raising the prices of its pharmaceutical products, briefly rattling shares of the U.S. drug giant on Monday.
"Pfizer & others should be ashamed that they have raised drug prices for no reason," Trump said in a tweet. "They are merely taking advantage of the poor & others unable to defend themselves, while at the same time giving bargain basement prices to other countries in Europe & elsewhere. We will respond!"
Earlier this month, the Financial Times reported that Pfizer had raised prices on about 100 drugs, following a pattern of regular increases that the company takes each year.
Pfizer said in a statement that the list prices for the majority of its drugs and vaccines hasn't changed, though it did change the prices on about 10% of its products, including some reductions.
Pfizer shares were up about 0.3% after rising as much as 1% earlier in the day. The Nasdaq Biotechnology Index, often used as a barometer for investor sentiment about drug prices, was up 0.3% after rising as much as 0.5% earlier.