When structured and administered properly, the financing of traditional life insurance premiums can bring your clients substantial benefits.
These include cash savings, important gift tax considerations, and the ability to accumulate wealth in a tax-favorable manner while taking advantage of today's low interest rate environment. However, how do successful advisors overcome today's biggest challenge when financing client premiums — the additional collateral component?
Here are three things to know about this strategy.
1. Collateral value
By using real estate as additional collateral in premium finance arrangements, advisors can unlock considerable opportunities. Zillow reports that, in 2017, the value of U.S. housing stock grew to $31.8 trillion, marking an all-time high. Having the ability to collateralize these real estate values in securing large life insurance premium finance transactions can mean the difference between choking on the five-yard line and a touchdown victory dance — for client and advisor alike.
(Related: How to remove greed from premium financing)
2. Real estate as collateral vs. securities as collateral
How can insurance carriers, and advisors, benefit from this type of premium finance arrangement?