Goal-setting has been one of the major cornerstones to my own personal success journey.
The ability to set and achieve a goal through systematic focus and accomplishment is the most powerful way to turn your dreams and visions into reality.
As I always say: People with clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.
Throughout my life, I have encountered a lot of people who fail to buy into the idea of goal-setting. They insist that by simply having an idea in their head of where they'd like to end up, they'll be able to get there without a problem.
To address those who doubt the power of goal-setting, I'm going to present a comparison of two people who both want the same thing. One of them is a goal-setter, the other one isn't.
Related: Do you have time for your goals?
Goal-setters versu non-goal-setters
Imagine this scenario. There are two people who both want to take a summer vacation to a dream destination.
Our goal-setter, we'll call him John, sits down and writes: Take a vacation in June 2017.
He then writes down 20 ways he can cut back on spending to make this happen.
He brainstorms different solutions such as cutting back on his coffee shop purchases, saving $50 from his paychecks, and reducing the number of times he purchases lunch at work to just two times per week.
By his calculations, John now knows that he will save an extra $300 per month. In order to take his vacation in the summer, John needs approximately $1,200. So he'll have to do this for four months in order to save that amount, which is perfect timing for his June trip to a tropical island.
Happy with his results, John begins to execute his plan.
Now let's take a look at our non-goal-setter. We'll call him Michael. Michael, unlike John, doesn't like to plan things. He has great ideas and big dreams but doesn't feel he has the time to set an exact plan for how to achieve them. He too wants to take a vacation this summer.