Google provides some great tools for insurance agency marketers, most of which are free.
Some of these tools are well known, while others may come as a surprise to producers and agency marketers. These tools are easy to find on Google just by Googling them, but some links are included below to help you get started. These tools aren't ranked in any particular order. That said, every insurance agency and broker probably should have Google Analytics loaded on their site, even for those using platforms such as HubSpot.
Google Webmaster Tools offers a plethora of tools for insurance marketers. One recent tool I'd suggest every agency and broker use is the Google Mobile Friendly Test. This tool is very easy to use and determines if your insurance agency website is mobile friendly, or if there are any refinements needed even if your website passes the mobile friendly test. For agencies that fail the test, get to work on a mobile responsive website as soon as possible. For those that pass but receive a list of issues, the test will help better optimize a website. My Top 10 list is below, but there are many other tools available:
An essential website traffic and analysis tool for any agency.
A great tool for basic keyword analysis.
3. Google Docs
A simple, free and relatively easy-to-use, cloud-based document-sharing platform.
Surveys, trends and other insight tools.
5. Google My Business (Google Places)
For small agencies, especially those selling within their community, Google My Business is a good place to be.