Warren Buffett, chairman and chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway, is a confident man. Having built one of the greatest businesses in history, and having become one of the world's richest men in the process, he sees great prosperity in the rear-view mirror, and more of the same ahead.
Speaking at his company's annual shareholders meeting in Omaha, Buffett said: "Twenty years from now, there'll be far more output per capita in the United States in real terms than there is now. In 50 years, it'll be far more."
Buffett provides an almost perfect illustration of what Cambridge University politics professor David Runciman calls "The Confidence Trap." Runciman published a book with that title in 2013, in which he explored a neurotic tic of successful democracies: the tendency to muddle through on the assumption that muddling through has historically worked out well for democracies, and probably always will.
"Things look bad," Runciman wrote, surveying political and economic dysfunction in Europe and the U.S. after the 2008 crash, "but the historical record of democracy suggests that nothing is as bad as it seems. This is why we find it so hard to know how seriously to take the current crisis of democracy."
In his talk, Buffett didn't just project a delightfully rosy half-century of U.S. economic gains. He made a point of reassuring shareholders that today's discordant politics wouldn't jeopardize tomorrow's prosperity. "If either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton becomes president, and one of them is very likely to be, I think Berkshire will continue to do fine," Buffett said.
The 85-year-old added: "No presidential candidate or president is going to end that. They can shape it in ways that are good or bad, but they can't end it."
Buffett has history on his side. The Great War. The Great Depression. World War II. Vietnam. Stagflation. Globalization. The 2008 Crash. Each threatened democracy in its way. None succeeded in puncturing its steady rise and expansion. So the lesson is clear: Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of Trump can disrupt the U.S. economy on its appointed rounds.
Yet that's just the sort of analysis of democracy's capacity that Runciman regards with a hint of dread.