There are a few essential vital signs such as pulse, temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure that determine the state of your body functions and quickly determine the state of your health.
In any health analysis, the vital signs are always the first thing that is checked. They deliver the most information that is vital to your well-being and survival.
What about your well-being and survival as an insurance agent? How are those measurements checked?
You must understand your success vitals as an insurance agent. Today's high-achieving super producer understands the importance of their success vitals.
Success vitals are built around the most important tasks and activities that make insurance agents successful. Those actions serve as your vital functions. A super producer realizes that they can't do it all, but there are a basic few functions that contribute the most to their success.
Competition is fierce and it's not just other agents or insurance companies out there; you are faced every day with your own personal obstacles, distractions, and self-doubt.
Winners prepare and train through continuous knowledge and practical experience, but the most important ingredient is mental focus. You must be laser focused on the actions that generate the most results.
Without mental focus you lose sight on your mission and the consistent activities it takes to succeed. You are easily distracted on working on items that keep you busy, but aren't pushing you closer to your goals.
I found there are two crucial questions you must ask yourself.
1. What three daily activities are the most important to my long-term success?
2. What must I give up in order to succeed?
Take some time to honestly answer these questions. Let's start with the first one.
What are the three indicators that your insurance sales business is healthy and what daily activities will improve upon those success vitals?
In my insurance business, I realized that three success vitals that would determine my long-term success are:
My prospect list
My network
My knowledge
Everything else to these three activities was secondary. My calendar was planned to ensure that each day I was growing my prospect list (online and offline), meeting new people in my community and industry, and learning new insights about products and services to serve my clients better.
If I would take these actions every day, even just a little bit, I was taking action toward achieving a higher level of success in my insurance business.
Your success vitals may look different. They are different for everyone, but you must determine what specific daily actions you will take that are non-negotiable. Not every day is perfect and urgent problems and issues can and will arise.
However, if you don't determine your specific success vitals, everything will become more important than the true activities that will help you achieve your goals and dreams. You will quickly find yourself doing tasks that seem important at the time, but are not contributing to your success vitals.
That leads to the second crucial question you must ask: What must you give up in order to succeed?