Have you ever been knocked down and discouraged? If you haven't, you must not be trying very hard to be a success.
The effort of attempting great things requires failure. The greater the goal, the greater and more often the failures. You've heard it said frequently of athletes, but let's apply it to the world of insurance.
You should be learning your craft, constantly. You have products to learn about. You must know how to apply those products strategically for people. Once you have determined the right products for the right people, then you must find the people to sell. That's quite a tall order for non-achievers. A non-achiever will become discouraged with education. They will be discouraged with locating prospects. Then they will be discouraged with rejection.
I like the line in "Dumb and Dumber" when Jim Carrey asked the girl what kind of chance he had with her she said, "one in a million." His response was, "so you're saying there's a chance." If you know there is a chance, why not try, again and again. With more education, increased awareness, and the continuous study of communications and people, you will improve. You'll make one sale, then another, then failure, then failure again, then another sale. So on it goes.
Be careful to understand that there are plenty of people with the need for what you offer. They're just not aware of it yet, and they're not aware of the fact that you can provide what they need.