When Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz took over the hockey team from his father, he vowed to lead them glory. And then he got to work. First, Wirtz moved to change everything about the team, from the players and staff to the media contracts. Just as important as winning the Stanley Cup (for the third time) is how he did it. He had likely formulated his plan for years before inheriting the team from his father Bill Wirtz.
I believe that the plan you develop to get to a win should be as strong as your winning idea. It should be tactical, multifaceted, thoroughly considered and reviewed by others. Inspiration and dedication are important; planning, however, is essential.
A financial advisor I know recently told me of his plans to write a book and sell a million copies. Now that would be a big win! I was very interested. When I asked him how he was going to sell that many books, he pointed to a poster on his office wall.
It was what he referred to as his "vision board." His assistant had spent hours preparing it for him. In the center of was a picture of media personalities that would interview him after the book's publication.