In sales, the challenges preventing you from succeeding abound. Here are four more of them:
1. Obtaining the necessary investment:
Let's say you are, in fact, different. Suppose you can produce a better outcome for your dream clients. They want that outcome, but they would very much like to have everything they want for what they are paying now — or even less. They want better, faster and cheaper.
Your challenge: to help your dream clients make the investment necessary to produce the results they need. Much of the time, the reason your dream clients aren't producing the results they need is that they aren't investing enough to get them.
2. Compelling action:
One of the most frequent challenges I hear from salespeople is that they "want to be more compelling." What they mean is that they're struggling to get their prospects to act on the solutions they sell. Their prospects drag their feet, don't return calls and go a long time without making a decision one way or another. But this is the manifestation of the problem, not the root cause.
Your challenge: to control the process so you can move forward smoothly, while also focusing on what your prospects gain (and lose) by not taking action now.
3. Gaining commitments: