Insurance, though intimate and personal in nature, may be viewed as impersonal, cold and "big business" by some clients. This impression, coupled with the current environment of quick digital communications, may leave some clients feeling detached and looking for a personal connection.
As advisors, we understand our jobs serve the greater purpose of providing clients with opportunities to take care of themselves and their loved ones. We do our best to get to know clients by understanding their goals and needs, then making recommendations for products, such as annuities, that can set them up for secure and comfortable futures.
To help marry these two perspectives, I've identified a few old-school communications tips that I think our industry can revive to help build deeper relationships with clients. Not only can this provide a fresh sales approach, it also could lead to new annuity sales opportunities:
Pick up the phone
With the spotlight on text messages, email and social media, actual telephone conversations are becoming a rare use for phones. Stand out to your clients by making a personal call. Hearing a voice on the other end of the line helps build a connection. You'll also be able to draw cues from your client's tone of voice that may help improve your client service.
Meet face to face
Offer to visit your client on a regular basis to meet and better understand their current challenges. A personal visit can go a long way toward fostering better connections.