Do you have a great product but aren't attracting the right customers to buy it? Not sure how to approach your customers or have a confusing sales message? Use the following sales tips to gain more of the right customers:
1. Highlight the benefits
People don't buy products; they buy the results that products provide. Start the process of identifying your ideal customer by making a list of all the benefits your customer will enjoy by using your product or service.
2. Clearly define your customer
Who is the person most likely to buy your product right now? Create an avatar of those people by answering the following questions:
How old are they?
Are they male or female?
Do they have children?
How much money do they make?
Do they have an education?
3. Identify the problem clearly
What kind of problem does your customer have that you can solve? If you've identified your customers correctly, they'll pay you to solve their problems. Sometimes their problems are obvious and clear and sometimes not. But if no problem exists, the customer will not buy your product.
4. Develop your competitive advantage
Define your competitive advantage in terms of the benefits, results or outcomes your customer will enjoy from purchasing your product or service (which they would not fully enjoy from purchasing from your competitor). Focus on the benefits of what makes your product better than others.