Massively successful firms seem to always be looking for that thing that, when fixed or changed, will make a significant difference in their businesses. We call this the hunt for the 1 percent. Top firms do many things right in their business operations, marketing and sales. In fact, 99 percent of what these firms do is correct. And yet, they don't settle. They continue to look for the 1 percent that could continue to drive their businesses to new heights.
Are you and your firm hunting for the 1 percent? Or are you settling for what you have without looking for new opportunities? I want to emphasize, it's not about overhauling the 99 percent, but rather figuring out how the 1 percent can bring new success to your business.
Try focusing your attention on possible improvements. Review what is currently working, what isn't working the way it used to and what can be added. This will take a little time, and it can be a challenge, but it will pay off.
The hunt for the 1 percent will ensure your business doesn't go stagnant. It will bring new opportunities your way that you would not find settling for the 99 percent. Let the hunt begin!
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