I've never met a sales person who didn't say they needed more qualified leads however my experience is what we all need are more leads to qualify!
So as 2015 approaches I thought it might be a good time to pull together some creative branding and prospecting methods to consider. I would like to take credit for each of these, the truth is I have taken the best from those who blazed the trail of high product and income that came before me. As an old door-to-door salesman I tend to fall back on what Mr. Thurston taught me back in the Combined days, you prospect where you pay, where you play and where you pray.
Here are some 21st century ideas, be like a cow, chew what's good and spit the rest out!
Blogging helps bring in leads by publishing content that is also instructional. What are the questions and concerns of your target market, write about that. Don't over think it. You are asked these questions every day in your practice and you answer them every day in your practice. Think in ink!
Social Media
Brand your-self and build relationships with people in your target market. Make sure the content you publish is tied to your blog; this can help to build a presence in your industry.
Webinars can be used to expand your reach in the market you are currently working. You are able to stay connected to your customers and show how your products and services can benefit your target market.
Search Engine Optimization Have your web site hosted by a service that includes SEO services. What is SEO, this is the process of getting your website and other web properties ranked in the search engines. Not only ranked but ranked for the actual terms and phrases that your target market is searching for in the search engines.
PPC (Pay Per Click Advertising)