This just in — a new study that offers contrary data on millennials to a study designed to bust myths about this overly examined generation.
The earlier research, released by IBM, strongly implied millennials aren't that different from their elder coworkers than most are led to believe. Now, this research from Addison Group, a provider of professional staffing services, and Kelton, a global insights firm, surveyed 1,006 working adults evenly divided among the three main generations in the workforce, and debunked the debunkers.
And yet, the actual responses, at least to some questions, are not so different from the IBM study, which suggests that difference could simply be in the eye of the beholder.
"Millennial workers — those in their 20s and early 30s — set themselves apart from older generations by being more likely to expect raises, promotions and bonuses more than once a year; more likely to view having their own office as a right; and more actively looking for new job opportunities," this study concluded.
But let's take a look at "more likely."
For instance, when asked whether they were in their ideal job, here's how the three generations responded:
Overall: 24 percent said they are in their ideal job;
Millennials: 27 percent yes;
Boomers: 24 percent yes;
Gen X: 21 percent yes.
Thus, do we see 3 percent to 6 percent as a slight difference or a telling one?
When asked whether having their own office as a right, rather than a reward, we find:
Millennials: 38 percent
Boomers: 31 percent
Gen X: 28 percent