Many small businesses find it difficult to take a marketing idea from initial concept to completed campaign. More often than not, we see marketing efforts that stop and start, stop when strategies begin to work or never get started at all. It may seem crazy that this occurs on such a regular basis, but it does.
One top financial advisor told me that he will always be successful in his industry because he executes on ideas his peers only talk about. And although not every marketing activity has worked for him (the one seminar where no one showed up), most have produced significant results (his once-a-week strategic-alliance lunch campaign).
There's no shortage of ideas on how to gain new business. In fact, many people will tell you exactly how they did it. You simply have to choose the idea that's best suited to your business. But if you're committed to gaining new business, you need to be similarly committed to consistently implementing your marketing strategy.
As it turns out, the fully implemented marketing effort is often the most difficult one. But it's also the one with the best chance for outsized results.
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