We live in interesting times. Centuries after Johannes Gutenberg printed the first Bible, we now have a toolkit that allows anyone with Internet connectivity to produce content for the masses. There are no longer barriers to publication and, on balance, this is a good thing. With a bit of effort and some hustle, you can get attention, and attention is important if you have something of value to offer.
The same tools that enable the communication of value also allow for the communication of many things that lack value, things that only titillate. These tools are as powerful for the attention-seeker as they are for someone with a valuable contribution to make. And therein lies the difference: The value-creator contributes something of value, while the attention-seeker seeks attention for its own sake.
For example, there is a huge difference between what marketing guru Seth Godin does and what reality star Kim Kardashian does. Only one of them will be remembered for the positive impact he has had on people's lives. Godin is famous for the contribution he has made; Kardashian is famous for self-promotion.