Do you have a Twitter account? Are you on LinkedIn? Do you use Google+? Or are you one of those people still sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out why social media even matters to you. Let me help you out here.
Salespeople who use social media outsell those who don't by 72 percent. So if you aren't using social media right now, odds are you're getting pulverized by the 72 percent of salespeople who are. And salespeople who use social media make 110 percent or more of their quotas 23 percent more often than those who don't. These are the people joining the president's club.
Social selling works. Fifty-four percent of social media users say they can directly attribute at least one deal to their use of social media. Twitter or LinkedIn has made them money, plain and simple. What's more, ten percent say they have closed more than five deals in the previous year as a result of social media. Those not using social media (those of you who think Twitter is a waste of time) miss their quotas 15 percent more often than those who do. These people are not joining the president's club.