Over the last few years, there has been a lot of debate about the effectiveness of multitasking. Productivity experts make the case that trying to do more than one thing at a time leads to poor results. Instead of more, you actually get less done. And what do you get done isn't exactly game-changing or noteworthy.
But maybe multitasking isn't broken. Maybe it's your focus and planning that need a tune-up. Maybe you need to build a plan so that you can get more things done each day. After all, isn't a plan the key to being productive? With that in mind, here are 6 more ideas for hyper-tasking your way to outrageously effective outcomes:
1. Use your smartphone to dictate reminders, events and tasks as they occur to you throughout the day.
2. Block out distractions by turning off notifications when you have an important project that needs your full attention.
3. Use music or other background noise to keep your brain engaged while you work on boring tasks.
4. Use multiple computers or screens to manage different pieces of a project.