Failure is just part of life—and work. Here are 3 sales missteps and what to do differently next time:
Problem 1. Opening a sale. You need the answers to the following questions: Do you have a prospect for the service you offer? Do you have a prospect who wants to do business with you? Do you have a prospect who wants to buy now?
Failed methods: Long introductions about your experience, products and services; discussions of hobbies, office furnishings, the prospect's background, sports, etc.
Reason for failure: These failed methods don't provided answers to the above questions.
Successful method: Use an initial interview questionnaire. It only takes 5 minutes and answers all 3 questions.
Problem 2. Too few successful closes. You need a higher percentage of prospects to buy.
Failed methods: Elaborate, high-tech closing presentations; getting the prospect to repeat the word "yes"; power closes; overly ornate presentation materials (gold-embossed leather folders, etc.).