Today there's no room for outside distractions—and yet there have never been more of them. It seems as if we're working harder than ever but somehow being less productive. And this is because we often work on the wrong things.
If your goal is to attract new clients, why is your priority to clear out your email inbox every day? Instead of focusing on truly productive activities, many of us find ourselves flooded by distractions, such as social media, texting, etc., for much of the day. Multitasking can be its own distraction. You may feel "busy" when you do multiple things at once, but your focus and productivity are most certainly suffering.
One of the biggest assaults on our productivity comes from a lack of boundaries. People can reach you 24/7 through many different channels. They may send you an email then decide to call you when they do not immediately hear back from you. If you still do not respond, they may send a text or try dialing your cell phone. It's hard to remain focused while people are relentlessly pursuing your attention.
These distractions bring a new challenge to marketing. Your efforts to market yourself need to be powerful in order to attract mindshare against other, competing distractions. It's no longer good enough to have the same old website, seminar invitations, advertisements and email newsletters. Generating powerful marketing for your business requires a sharper focus than ever.