There isn't anything you need to do to be successful that you can't do something about right now. There isn't anything truly holding you back from getting to where you want to be and being the person you want to be.
It's easy to play the "if only" game and dream about what you would do if things were different. The truth is that you already have everything you need to be successful. What you don't like, you can change. What doesn't exist, you can build. What still needs to flourish, you can nurture. It's all possible. You just have to decide that you want to do it.
Don't have enough money? Work harder. Don't have enough knowledge? Learn more. Don't have the right relationships? Earn them. Don't have the right skills? Develop them. Don't have enough time? Ask for help.
It's easy to let negative thinking cripple your ability to move past obstacles. Without being deliberate about staying motivated, you'll let all the small annoying problems you encounter each day build up into a scary world of self-doubt, helplessness and insecurity. But you can change anything and everything about the world around you.