If you want to really excel in business, school or life in general, go the extra mile. Give the people around you — your customers, team, family — more than they expect, and you'll be handsomely rewarded with loyalty, referrals, opportunity and prosperity.
Successful people go the extra mile, and they stand out as a result. They receive the coveted promotions and win the loyal customers. They grow their businesses twice as fast and attract the best employees. They reap the financial rewards and job security. Best of all, they go home at night feeling satisfied and self-confident.
How do they do this? They don't focus on "WIIFM." In Marketing 101, you learn that customers are always thinking "What's in it for me?" Although this may work for the customer, it's the kiss of death for the person trying to sell to the customer.
If you want to excel, stop focusing on what you're going to get out of it. Don't worry about whether it's fair to give more if you're not going to be compensated or recognized for it. Don't adopt an "it's not my job" mentality and focus only on yourself. You'll see better results more quickly if you make other people the focus of your attention.