Believe that you can win. That you can still win. That you are playing the long game.
Believe in your product, your service and your solution. Believe it is the right choice for your clients and that it will benefit them. Believe that your clients will be made better by the service you provide.
Believe in yourself. Believe that you are your unique value proposition, that you are the difference that makes the difference.
Believe that your competitors are trying to take your business. Believe that they are dangerous, that they too can create value and that they deserve your respect.
Believe that your dream clients need your help. Believe they have challenges and opportunities for which you have the solution. Believe that you can help them discover the gap and the way forward.
Believe that your clients will pay more for greater value. Believe that price is only an expression of value. Believe that you have the power to move the conversation from price to cost and to help your clients make the proper investments.
Believe that fear is what you should fear most and that inaction is more dangerous than action. Believe that your greatest mistake is avoiding what's necessary because it makes you uncomfortable.