In one of my favorite movies, "Shawshank Redemption," a prison inmate inmate (Tim Robbins) had his request for getting some books in the prison turned down. So every day, he wrote a letter to prison authorities requesting the books. Every day. Day after day. For years. Eventually, his tenacity wore down the authorities and he got his books.
Based on this movie, we have a common term we made up in my consulting business (well, actually, my friend Scott made it up and we adopted it) called, "Shawshanking!" We industry consultants (depending on our philosophies) repeat and repeat and repeat concepts over and over and over to our clients until they get it. I use this approach—"Shawshanking"—when my clients bring up industry "benchmarking," which happens about this time every year. Every year, I have this same conversation over and over and over again with my newer owner-advisor clients. Here's how it goes:
Advisor Client: "Have you seen the XYZ advisory industry benchmarks that just came out?"
Me: "I already know your firm benchmarks, based on your goals. So why do I need to look at the industry benchmark?"
Advisor Client: "But we're under/average with/over the industry benchmarks!"
Me: "Based on this information, do you want to change your goals?"
Advisor Client: "No, my goals are exactly where I want my business to go."
Me: "Do you remember that we are ahead of your firm's benchmarks so far?"
Advisor Client: "Yes."
Me: "So, again, why are you asking me about the industry benchmarks?"
Advisor Client: "Okay, I get it. They don't matter to me."
My Head (aka, the things I say to myself in my head that don't often actually come out of my mouth to clients): "Check. Jeez…talk to you about this next year, again and again and again…[eye roll] Dude, I need to write a blog about this topic!"
And so it goes. I have this same conversation with the same advisors every year, for three or four years—broken record, over and over and over again. Then, suddenly, one year it seems to sink in, and they never ask again. They've been Shawshanked!