Creating custom, informative, and intriguing content is critical to the successful growth of your business.
Not only does this boost your website's search engine optimization (SEO), but it also helps to establish you as an experienced leader in the financial services industry. There are lots of ways to promote your content for free, but there are also times when a paid solution might work best.
While paid promotions will cost you some time and money, they cost far less than traditional advertising avenues and allow you to cast a wider net beyond your current network. Here's how.
Facebook and LinkedIn ads
Both of these social sites offer paid advertising, and they have a couple of significant benefits:
First, social ads allow you to specify your target demographic not only by age, gender, and location, but also by family life, job title, broad interests, relationship status, and businesses the users are connected to. This feature ensures that only people who may become potential customers see your message.
See also: Does social media work for prospecting?
For example, if you have a new white paper about college financial planning strategies you want to promote, you can target your ad to men and women in your city, in their 30s and 40s, who have children between the ages of 4 and 19. This is huge if you are seeking out people in a particular industry or a specific stage of life. This type of targeting will help you get quality leads, rather than just more traffic.
Another advantage of social ads is that, unlike taking out an ad in the newspaper or running a spot on the radio and hoping people will notice, you now have the option to pay only if your ad is clicked upon. This means advertising on your social networks can be significantly less costly than using other types of marketing.
These ads also work on a bid system, which means you are in control of how much you want to spend. Each platform lets you set your daily budget, and once you reach the daily cap, it stops showing your ad. This control over how much money you spend can be very reassuring.
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