As the fiduciary debate shows unmistakable signs of coming to the fore of the agendas of the SEC and the Deparment of Labor, we are asking advisors to once again have their voices heard in the media and inside the Beltway. The third annual AdvisorOne-fi360 Fiduciary Survey will close on Friday, April 5.
While hundreds of advisors have already participated, we encourage advisors of all business models and affiliations to take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the debate. Respondents can maintain their anonymity in taking the survey, but the findings in aggregate will help inform the discussion on this crucial topic. We want to know, and to publicize, not only what your opinions are regarding a fiduciary standard, but also how and whether you are already implementing such a standard in your own practice.
The findings of the 2013 Survey will be published on AdvisorOne and presented at fi360's annual conference in April.