Q. Selling long-term care insurance (LTCI) means handling many types of objections. Can you help me?
A. Unfortunately, getting objections can be part of any sales process, including the LTCI sales process.
Kathy Camara, an agent support specialist at ACSIA and former producer, has developed several effective ways to respond.
Here is a list of common objections and Camara's suggestions for overcoming the objections.
1. "My spouse is the sick one, not me."
This is what doctors call "the sick killing the well."
That's when a healthy spouse takes care of the other spouse.
It's hard being a caregiver, and usually that role falls to the women.
Once Camara called a couple to set an appointment. The husband would not qualify for coverage for three months because of health and the adjustment period.
Camara told them she would call them back then.
When she did, the wife had suffered a massive stroke and could not get any coverage.
The lesson: You never know when something can happen health-wise.
Write the healthy spouse now.
Yes, a healthy spouse with an ailing spouse might pay a higher premium, but the healthy spouse should sign up for coverage now, because we never know about our health.
2. "My financial plannner advised me against buying LTCI coverage."
When a client's financial planner advises her that she doesn't need a policy, Camara tells her to have the planner put that in writing. That way, the planner puts his assets at risk along with the client's. He will not do it.
3. "My children can help me out with cash."
The only thing worse than dying is outliving your resources or calling on your children for help.