If you don't follow the recipe, your cake won't turn out as it should. This is also true in business, where your recipe is your business model. Most of us don't sell at the lowest price nor do we sell the best product. We sell the best total solution — high-touch, meaningful insights, deep caring and accountability for results — and that requires customer intimacy. That's what makes you worth paying more for.
If you try to operate this strategy without the intimacy, you won't know enough to deliver the promised value. Without the intimacy, you don't have the relationship, which is an essential ingredient.
Your interactions with your clients should be special; they're not simply transactions. You should not simply go through the motions. High touch means that you are proactive. Your interactions have to leave your client with something even more than a positive feeling. The recipe calls for deep caring. Your clients have to feel it. If the interactions aren't special, it isn't the right recipe.
Without meaningful insights and ideas, you won't know how to create the best overall solution. You might have the intimacy, but if it isn't backed up by some serious business acumen and situational knowledge, you can't deliver the results the recipe demands.