What's happening in your clients' minds when they can't commit to a plan that you both know they need? In the February issue of Investment Advisor, Olivia Mellan uncovers just that. Mellan talks to researchers and thought leaders in the brain behavior field to find out what happens to your clients' brains when they make decisions—or try to.
We also talk to Mark Travis of Intrepid Capital about how the notoriously volatile small-cap space can pay off without undertaking an undue amount of risk. Fixed income helps a little, but never underestimate the value of experience and understanding.
How often have you put together a great financial plan focused on your client's wishes, your client thanks you and takes it home, but then never gets around to implementing it? It's not laziness and understanding the science behind your client's brain and how decisions are made can help you get clients moving.
Olivia Mellan, with contributions from Sherry Christie, talk to authorities at the crossroads of neuroscience and psychology to share their views of what goes on in the brain when people make up their minds.