Wealthy people around the world have high levels of engagement with the Internet's future possibilities, with important implications for the wealth management industry, according to a new study.
On Friday, SEI, Scorpio Partnership and Standard Chartered Private Bank released part one of "The Futurewealth Report: The Digital World of the Futurewealthy," a survey of 3,477 respondents from across the world with an average $1.9 million in assets.
The study revealed the digital habits and views on technology of individuals on the fast track to considerable wealth who have positioned themselves at the forefront of the digital information age.
This group has been quick to acknowledge the role that technology innovations have played in their success, the report said. Fifty-six percent of those surveyed believed that their "engagement with the internet and digital technology" had contributed to their ability to create wealth.
Moreover, they believed this influence would be even more valuable in the future. Seventy-seven percent responded positively when asked whether the Internet and digital technology would contribute to their success five years down the road.
According to the report, these results suggest they believe the Internet will prove even more valuable to their future success in generating wealth than it does today.
Interestingly, 88% of Asia's futurewealthy believed the Web would be a big factor in their future success, compared with 64% from the Americas.