Fast is slow, and slow is fast. You can't cram for success. Fast results are the product of having first done the slow work that produces fast results. You can't avoid the slow work and get fast results. You just have to slow down.
Slow works fast. The more time and effort you put into building the competencies and skills that produce results, the faster you produce them. The more time you spend doing the slow work of selling well, the faster you make your number. But you have to do the slow work to get there. Confused yet?
If you want access to your dream clients, invest your time building your "nurture toolkit," creating value before claiming any in return and developing the relationships you need to create opportunity. Nurturing is slow. Building relationships is slow. Creating value before claiming it can feel slow, but it's fast.
If you want your dream client to choose your solution, do the slow work of understanding the essential truth, learning what really has to happen to produce results. Do the slow work of meeting with decision-influencers. Build consensus over time. Understanding is slow. Consensus is slow. But slow is fast.