Let me say right off the bat that I don't know. Right now, I really don't know. I voted for Obama last time and I know he's done some good things in office, but I'm not sure he's completely delivered on all of the big promises he made and that disappoints me. At the same time, I look over to the other side and I have to wonder what Romney could do that would make my life better as opposed to what Obama has or hasn't done these past four years.
— Mary, 66, Sedona, Ariz.
I am a true independent. I served in the military and voted for Kennedy who served as well. Then, I didn't vote for LBJ even though he was from my home state. Since then I voted for Reagan and for Clinton. Usually, I don't know until it hits me. I voted for McCain four years ago and felt like that was an easy choice but with the President and Romney—hmmm, that's one I'll be thinking on for a while.
— Paul, 73, Dallas