
Commentary September 13, 2012 at 12:19 AM
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Dictionary.com says there is no such word as "tacticality," but I like the word; I like it. I think, these days, that I'm probably 30% or maybe more tactical, meaning I use investments like Invesco Balanced Risk Allocation (it slices and dices risk by budgeting for conditions) and SMAs (separately managed accounts, a.k.a., third-party managers) like Good Harbor, a Chicago outfit overrun with University of Chicago M.B.A.s. GH is in one of the following positions at all times: 100% in equities; 100% in treasuries or 50/50 cash/treasuries. GH may be accessed through Weatherstone (Brian Engle at 800-690-5918).

Both Invesco and GH seem to focus on one-month units of time, which is interesting. Lazard's tactical offering is illustrated with a continuum of colors, with the one selected for equities being squeezed smaller during fearful times and widening dramatically when the bull is running. Among variable annuities, Ohio National, Met, Pru and Lincoln National abound with tacticality. Portfolio Strategies (another SMA) has some interesting — and quite successful over the past few years — tactical approaches. (Contact Elvis's cousin, John Kimbrough at 940-497-0689.)

Tacticality is one reason why I suggest learning about Bill Sherman and about The Sherman Sheet. It's not that Bill Sherman is the greatest investor on the planet, although he's doggone good. It's more that I know of no Sherman Sheet competitor that is, like Bill & Company, focused directly and completely on making you, the advisor, look good and helping customers grow money.   I'm not suggesting that any advisor go 100% tactical, although there is nothing wrong with that approach. I'm only suggesting that volatility, market greed and Shenanigans, to say nothing of programmed trading, have created an environment where strategic, indexed and buy-and-hold investing may disappoint for the short- to mid-term. Gordon Case can help you with the Sherman Sheet at (888) 957-3438.

Have a tactical week, and help customers grow money and make dreams come true.