I think that most Americans are like me: We want to have a health finance system that's free from excessive government interference but also makes sure that people who really need health care somehow get care.
We want the system to make sure that other people pay for the consequences of their bad habits (drinking; smoking; eating gorgeous, luscious almond croissants with irresistible hypnotic powers), but we want the system to somehow make allowances for the reality that with current pharmaceutical technology, we have little lasting ability to withstand entrapment by X (with X being beer, cigarettes made with organic tobacco, luscious croissants, or some other lure dangled by the unwellness demons).
So, we end up saying that we want the health finance system to be either market-driven or generous, depending on our inclinations, and then, if we have any sophistication or self-awareness whatsoever, we start adding qualifiers, and qualifiers to the qualifiers, until, if we know as much as Hillary Clinton and her advisors knew in 1993, we get something that would look, if carefully charted on paper, to be as confusing and tangled as those old Hillary Care charts looked.
Sunforester, who often posts comments after LifeHealthPro.com articles, is pretty much free from that problem. Sunforester believes that the government should simply stay out of health care finance, period. Sunforester believes that the idea of imposing taxes on one individual to pay for services for someone else is inherently wrong.
Personally, I respect that point of view, and I'd like to see the world make special arrangements for people who hold that point of view, but I just don't share that point of view. I think that the government probably imposes too many taxes, offers too many tax breaks, and spends some of its revenue wastefully, but I'm grateful that the government takes over the burden of financing all kinds of great services, ranging from putting space stations in space to defending the country.
But one important point is that Sunforester wants to create a government health finance system that would be very simple and cheap for the government to run, because that system wouldn't exist. Sunforester wouldn't have to start adding footnotes to footnotes, because there'd be nothing to footnote. In her system, affluent people might end up so much extra cash left over that they would cheerfully donate enough of the extra cash to pay for care for the poor.
Similarly, some people think that government should manage every aspect of health finance, and possibly for health care. Some would go so far to say that the government ought to be the employer of just about every doctor and nurse.
Most of my readers would hate that system, and my guess is that I personally would hate that system, but, like the pure free-market system, it could be pretty simple for the government to run.