Fewer workers say they have access to employer-sponsored health coverage.
Paul Fronstin, a researcher at the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), Washington, writes about that shift in an analysis of trends in employment-based health benefits over the period from 1997 to 2010.
Fronstin, drawing on government survey data, notes that the percentage of nonelderly U.S. adults with employment-based coverage, either as the employees or dependents, fell to 58.7% in 2010, 62.4%.
The percentage of workers with coverage their own employers fell to 51.5% in 2010, from 54.2% in 2007.
One reason for the drop is that the percentage of employers offering employees health plans fell to 67.5% in 2010, from 70.1% in 2010.
Another reason is that the takeup rate – the percentage of employees taking up the health benefits offered – fell to 83.6% in 2010, from 86% in 1997.
Although more workers reported that they had no access to group health benefits through their employers, fewer at employers with health plans reported being ineligible for the plans.