$262M Spent on Ads Debating Health-Care Reform -- After Bill Passed (AdAge)

March 23, 2012 at 10:50 AM
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In the two years since President Obama signed the health care reform law, $262 million has been spent on TV advertising addressing the topic, according to Kantar Media's CMAG. "Critics of the law have outspent supporters $204,038,930 to $57,902,790," CMAG noted in a report. "Four hundred ten advertisers have aired 1,018 individual creatives mentioning the plan in a negative way; 48 advertisers have aired 90 creatives mentioning the plan in a positive way," it added. The highest-spending proponent of the law, the Department of Health and Human Services, has spent $11.2 million on TV advertising, accounting for 65% of all pro-law spending. The biggest spender among opponents has been the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, spending $6.3 million on general information ads.