I consider this article one of the most important I've written for Research magazine since I came on board in May 1990.
In it, you will learn how you have to modify your time allocation as you progress from one level to the next. Based on new research, I have now overhauled "The Model Day Worksheet," which is posted for you at billgood.com/timemanagement. There you will also learn how to measure your time allocation, which is the first step to control.
How I Determined an Advisor Is Worth $1,000 per Hour
In 1985 and 1986, I did a series of time studies that led me to the startling conclusion that a financial advisor's time was worth about $1,000 an hour meeting with and talking to clients and prospects. To do the study, I found a programmer who programmed one of the first handheld computers to hit the market. In short, he made it time and count activities.
When I got my first results, I was so stunned that I repeated the study. I could not believe the results. In 1991, we programmed a portable barcode reader. Using better technology, I repeated the study again in the former Prudential office in Rancho Mirage, Calif. The branch manager allowed me to spend a week in the office. All I did was observe and verify that time was being tracked correctly. Within a relatively narrow margin of error, I again came up with my $1,000/hour figure.
But I have never seen an independent study that in any way verifies my primary finding and the conclusions I drew from it.
I was given access to some critical findings from a survey of RIAs conducted by Cerulli Associates. All of the people surveyed were RIAs, meaning they have established their own investment advisory firms, registered with the SEC. Some were dually licensed – affiliated with an independent broker-dealer in addition to maintaining their own RIA firm. The survey did not disclose the percentages. But I don't think it matters. The conclusions of that study apply to you whether you are in the RIA, independent, bank or wirehouse channel.
Cerulli Associates conducts studies across financial services. You probably have seen some of the headlines of articles reporting on these studies:
Clients Seek Second Opinions and Additional Advisor Relationships (August 2011)
Top Ways to Lose your HNW Clients to Other Providers (July 2011)
I would put it this way: They discover some of the truths about this industry.
With the kind permission of Cerulli Associates, I have reproduced a table from their time allocation study for you.
The rows highlighted come closest to activities that a financial advisor should be doing. Most of the other stuff they should not be doing and should be delegated.