Thank goodness for small victories. I mean really small victories.
After years of negative figures, life insurance application activity appears to have actually risen by a miniscule amount in 2011. This according to the MIB Life Index, the industry's timeliest measure of application activity in the United States.
Thanks to a strong December (+5.8%), the MIB Life Index was able to squeak out a 0.2% overall increase in application activity for 2011. It's not much of a positive number, but it is on the plus side instead of a minus, reversing a disturbing trend in the index.
"The index has lost more than 4% since 2007 but the pace of decline has lessened," says Lee Oliphant, MIB's CEO. "2011 is slightly positive and a strong fourth quarter is cause for optimism as we look toward 2012. We believe market stability in challenging economic conditions may signal a new floor from which the industry can grow."