Radio show + Seminars = Annuity sales

September 19, 2011 at 08:00 PM
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The financial services universe gets more confusing every day to the average consumer. The number and complexity of choices people have to make can leave them glassy eyed and searching for good advice. One place they find it in the Detroit market is over the radio, where Brian Kurtz, CSA, president of 2X Selling Systems and a producer affiliated with AIP Marketing Alliance in suburban Troy, Mich., hosts a Saturday morning show called "Money Matters." Kurtz's one-hour program on 580 AM is a smorgasbord of questions and answers, interviews with financial experts, and a stockbroker segment on investing.

The show, which is targeted to his core market of people age 55 and older, gives Kurtz a steady flow of annuity prospects — the people who call in to the show for answers. "They all get invitations to my seminars," Kurtz says. "I do three seminars per day, and I average 50 people per seminar." He holds the seminars at one of three hotels or two retirement centers, each of which is a sponsor of his radio show. In exchange for a weekly commercial on their facilities, Kurtz gets the use of them for free. "I schedule the seminar and they provide the seats and the refreshments — I don't have to worry about that," he says.

Editor's Note: The preceding tip was taken from "Boost your annuity sales know-how," by Gordon Bess, which ran in the August 2005 issue of Life Insurance Selling. Click here to read the entire article.

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