Are you blogging? Social media, including blogs, is a fundamental change in the way people communicate. Technology is shifting the power away from the editors, the publishers and the general media. It's now the people who are in control. There are currently more than 200 million blogs published worldwide. Millions of people are reading this content daily, and if you're not out there talking about things that are relevant to your clients and prospects then you're missing out on a big opportunity.
So what should you talk about in your blog? Anything that adds value or is of interest to your clients and prospects. Write about topics such as "Five Questions to Ask When Buying Life Insurance" or "10 Steps to Retirement Planning."
Readers come to your blog seeking information and don't want to be sold to. If you use your blog to sell to your readers they may be turned off and simply search elsewhere.
Instead, consumers use blogs much like they would a news article, referral or user review. Blogs provide a platform for you to position yourself as an expert.